This 90 minute feature documentary tells the exciting rise and fall story of the black market website known as Silk Road, which emerged on the dark web in 2011. This ‘Ebay for illegal drugs’ was the brainchild of a mysterious, libertarian intellectual operating under the avatar The Dread Pirate Roberts, or DPR. Promising its users complete anonymity and total freedom from government regulations or scrutiny, Silk Road became a million-dollar digital drugs empire.
The efforts to identify and find DPR spanned the full gamut of law enforcement agencies, from Homeland Security, to DEA, and FBI, mounting multiple investigations in the largest online manhunt the world had ever seen. But it would be a young, humble tax inspector from the IRS who would finally crack the case and unmask DPR.
With unparalleled access, Silk Road is a thrilling cat-and-mouse crime story for the digital age, bristling with intrigue, mayhem, murder, and difficult moral quagmires.
Made for BBC Storyville and A&E Indie Fund, Silk Road is a beautifully shot, elegant, high production value feature documentary